Entertainment Chips, Chips, or Chips? Aussie Slang Continues to Confuse TouristsAussie slang can baffle tourists on a good day, but nothing seems to confuse them more than our one name for all of the forms of potato chips.
The Secret Sound is Revealed at $580Bilko and JadeCongratulations to Mick Owens who won $580 for correctly identifying the Secret Sound as “running your fingernail along the seam...
The $1000 Secret Sound was GuessedBilko and JadeCongratulations to Jurgen from Tewantin who correctly guessed the Zinc 96 Secret Sound thanks to Billy and the team at...
Ultimate Anzac Biscuit Hack: Nutella-Stuffed Kingston Recipe!Bilko and JadeJade thinks it’s not right to supersize and Anzac Biscuit, but Bilko is adamant that this is the only way...