If you have walked or are planning to walk the Camino or perhaps you have never heard of it and want to find out more, come along and meet a vibrant group of like-minded people who can share experiences, stories and information. The group includes people who have walked the ancient Pilgrim trails of Europe, Japan and our new Australian Camino and all are happy to support others undertaking their own pilgrimages. To find our more join our informal meeting at 2pm on Sunday 18th June in the meeting room at Buderim Men’s Shed, 38 Advance Rd, Kuluin. The meeting concludes at 4pm. Gold coin entry and bring afternoon tea to share. We have cash raffles with great prizes to help pay the insurance covering participants in our weekly training walks. We are a friendly group and have experienced pilgrims sharing information and guest speakers. Contact Belinda Turnbull by text on 0432285330